We use a different edition of Singapore Math books, can I still use support from Singapore Math Live?
If you use a different version, Singapore Math® Live support can still be helpful to your family.
Each of the Primary Math pages has a link that says “Weekly Schedule.” If you click that link on the level your child is working in, you’ll be able to download a syllabus. On the far right side is a list of topics. When your student is working on, for example, fractions – you can see what weeks I cover fractions and use the recordings that correspond with those weeks.
Another way that our support would be helpful is that you could purchase some of the books that I use (they are around $12 or $15 each.) That way your student can follow along in the textbook while I teach in the Student Recordings or they can find a problem in Intensive Practice that is similar to a problem in their book and watch the corresponding video to help them understand the concept.